About the author

Frank Soonius is a natural-born leader, the son of a mother who survived Japanese concentration camps in Indonesia and a father who was a financial accountant. Frank often found himself serving as mediator between his parents and friends, helping the needy whenever he could. His father didn’t seem to appreciate this, as he wanted his son to be a successful entrepreneur.

Thus, for seventeen years, Frank was discouraged from following his heart’s desires, as his father did not accept the softer side of his son. That discouragement seemed to keep all growth opportunities out of Frank’s reach, and he struggled to feel loved. Frank coped with this by creating a fantasy world where he could be himself. Finally, Frank stood up to his father and embarked on a mission to live his own dream.

He became a well-known sportsman, a successful trainer and coach, a research marketer, and a loving partner. But living in his imagination, a place he called Shadowland, he was led into isolation that resulted in a deep depression. He seemed to be stuck in his dream, and he woke up one day feeling completely unaware, in a prison cell in Sydney, Australia. In the end, that incarceration saved his life, as it forced him out of Shadowland. From the lessons he learned through that experience and the difficulties of his growing-up years, Frank became the man he had always wanted to be.

Helping others helped Frank to escape his own pain. Initially, he didn’t believe in himself, and he found it easier to dwell in an imaginary world. Even with many friends, he felt utterly alone. In spite of his success, he only felt more insecure. He discovered that by projecting his dream on other people, he was just hanging on, harboring the great fear and frustration that had scarred him. He wasn’t living his own dream. That tactic seemed to work for a long time, but when he found himself in an isolated cell, reality struck. After three attempts to end his life, he was finally inspired by the goodness of strangers who helped wake him from his nightmare. During that ordeal, he was involved with the worst of prison inmates and became famous by solving the murder on Samantha Knight.

After more than four years in jail, as an innocent man falsely convicted, Frank found his way back to Netherlands, where he started his own successful tennis school and started using his life skills to help people to make their dreams come true!